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Decree Law No. 551 on the Protection of Patent Rights
Implementing Regulation on the Decree Law No. 551 on the Protection of Patent Rights
Law No. 5194 Amending Some Decree Laws (June 22, 2004)
European Patent Convention (EPC)
Regulation Amending the Regulation Demonstrating the Implementation Method of the European Patent Convention Regarding the Issuance of European Patents in Turkey
Regulation Demonstrating the Implementation Method of the European Patent Convention Regarding the Issuance of European Patents in Turkey (EPC)
Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation Demonstrating the Implementation Method of the Decree Law on the Protection of Patent Rights
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Patent Cooperation Treaty Regulation (PCT)
Draft Patent and Utility Model Law (Text sent to the Prime Ministry)
Strasbourg Agreement on the International Classification of Patents (IPC)